Saturday, November 3, 2012

How To Sell Personal Training: People Buy Because Of Emotion But Justify With Facts

I recently sat down with a marketing representative of a retail clothing company in Australia. She was explaining to me a simple sales fact. People buy because of emotion, but justify the purchase with facts. How can you apply this to personal training? Last week I wrote about hot buttons and how you can use them to build the emotional link between your clients and your product. While this is an extremely important step you cannot forget to give your clients the information or "Facts" they need to justify the decision. These can be statements like "all of my clients have lost more than 5 Kilograms in their first 12 weeks". These lines are something that people will remember and will repeat to themselves while "justifying" the purchase.

Try this with all of your prospective clients, after you have identified their hot buttons and you have built the emotional connection its time for the facts. Once they are agreeing with you about their need to purchase the personal training you can come in with a few well stated facts. "People who exercise more than xx Minutes per week live xx times longer". After you have delivered these facts its time to ask a closing question.

Do you have a closing question? If not come visit us on facebook our book "Personal Training Sales System" is about to launch as a smart phone app that you can purchase for 99 Cents. This way you will have access to all our great sales tips when you are at the gym selling.

 In health
Jared Roy

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