What do people mean when they say no? This is a common answer when you ask someone for the sale. But as I have said before it can take up to 7 no's before the person will agree to buy. Usually when someone responds with a no, it means you have not overcome all of their objections. They can be very simple and small things like, they dont think they have enough time or money. Do not let this discourage you, just restart the sales process. Ask another question to pull the objection out. One of my favourites was "just so its clear in my mind why is it that you do not want to start a fitness program today?" The reason I use this question most often is because it does two things for me. Firstly I say "today" at the end of the question because I want to pre frame the client into thinking in terms of whats happening now, which gives me a better chance to close today. Secondly its a non invasive question you are just asking for them to clarify their earlier answer.
In many cases you will hear their objection come out. Its too much money, I dont have enough time or many others. At this point you can use any one of the lines from our Book "Personal Training Sales System". My favourite is the line I use when people say "its too expensive", I respond by saying "would you like a new body today or would you like to come back when you have more money?" Its a call to action, and its gets people to think that they can actually make room in their budget to have what they really want, this happens to be a fit and healthy body.
In our book "Personal Training Sales System" I outline a step by step system that pulls out all the prospective clients before you start selling. This makes the sales process much easier and very smooth. Even a beginner can have success with our system and not feel as though they are selling people. For more sales tipes come check us out on Facebook!
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