Friday, October 26, 2012

Sales success: Ask the client how to sell them!

If you want to present products and services that are of value to the prospect and that meet their needs, you have to ASK questions. Ask the right questions and the prospect will tell you what they want and how they need to be sold. There is an old rule in sales, the customer will tell you exactly what they want. Get them talking ask questions about their goals. When they are answering the questions you want to listen for emotional "hot Buttons". A hot button can sound like this "I want to lose weight because.....". Once you hear something like this take a mental note, they are giving you the exact line that you can use to close them. After they have finished telling your their hot buttons and their goals, you can simply repeat them back. So you want to lose weight because you are fearful of the health concerns? Once again repeating these back to them will cause them to give you more information and become more emotionally involved in the sale. At this point you will present your product, show them exactly how your service is the answer to their hot button.

At this point you will be able to continue following the steps outlined in our book "Personal Training Sales System". Remember the key to sales is practice so keep at it!

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