Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sales Success: The steps to selling personal training

Sales is just like fitness you need to follow certain steps and stay consistent with it in order to see results. There is a saying "Small tweaks create massive change", so what tweaks do you need as a sales person? I am going to outline a simple step by step pattern that you can use to sell anything to anyone.

1. Link their emotions to the product or service
2. Offer a solution
3. Get the client to agree with you
4. Help them justify the purchase
5. Close the sale

Now how can you accomplish these steps? Emotions are easy, you can simple ask them about their goals and continue to ask questions probing deeper which will make them feel more emotional about the goals and ultimately the product. Once you have achieved this you will offer the solutions such as " I've designed many programs to help people lose 10 pounds. Now this is the point where you will begin to phase your questions in a way them makes them respond yes to everything you say. For example, those are the kinds of results your looking for right? Get them agreeing with you so that later when you ask for the sale they are already programmed to say YES. At this point I help them justify the purchase in their own mind. I will do this by saying anything that they may already be saying in their own head in order to convince themselves to buy. " You deserve to look and feel better, this will be a great purchase for you". You may hear them say yeah I do deserve it. This is where you ask the closing question. "great lets get you started".

This process is so simple yet it will work over and over again. For more tips come and visit our facebook page. 


Please see our kickstarter Campaign, we've launched a new unique Posture Corrector

Posture Corrector Kick starter Campaign