How can you link someones emotions to a sale? A great way is to tell a story! Stories get people involved and get them to connect to what your selling. The way I like to do this is to talk about a previous clients experience and talk about their transformation and how it changed them and how they felt.
For example:
I used to train a client named Jane, when she started she was getting ready for a wedding and wanted to lose weight and look toned for her wedding day. We started out pretty slowly changing her diet and slowly introduced her to cardio and weight training. She started to love it and become more and more addicted, she felt empowered and started to take charge of her training. She came in on her days off of our training sessions to do cardio, and the results just got better and better. She had more energy and actually found that she was less tired during the day and was getting more accomplished. Not only did we achieve her goal, but we surpassed it. Everyone said on her wedding day that it was the best she had ever looked. But the best part was that she changed her lifestyle and has kept the weight off and still looks great today.
A short story like that will envoke the emotions of the person you talking to, so when you finally ask them about their goals their emotions will take over them and will make it easy for you to sell them. From here you are just putting them through the natural sales process:
1. Ask about their goals
2. Repeat them back
3. Offer the solution
4. Ask a closing question
5. Overcome any objections
6. Complete the sale
Learning to sell is a process, so remember to practice and keep trying new things. For more tips come and check out our facebook page.
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