Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sales success: What do you say, when they say "I want to think about it"

If you are like me you will have had many people say to you "I just want to think about it". So what can you say to these people? Let's back up a bit, first I will explain to you that this is just a smoke screen covering up their real objection. They may not even know what their objection is yet. So its your job to pull the objection out of them by breaking through this barrier.

Here is an exact script that you can follow to get past this objection   

Client  "I just want to think about it
Trainer  "Just so its clear in my mind what is it that you want to think about
Client  "I don't have enough money

At this point the client will come back with the real objection it could be anything, I have chosen to put in the most common which generally involves money. When the objection comes out the first thing you want to do is repeat it to them, they will give you more information.

Trainer  "so you think its too expensive?"
Client  "Yes, I don't have $2,450 to spend right now on the package you have suggested for me
Trainer  "oh that's easy we have starter packages available for $699, lets get you started."
Client "Yeah I can do that"

The problem in most sales is that we give up too early, this may just be a simple example yet from experience I will tell you that most objections can be overcome this simply. Usually its our fear getting in the way preventing us from asking a couple more questions and ultimately getting the sale. Always remember these simple rules.

1. Ask a question about their objection
2. Repeat there answer back to them in the form of a question
3. Listen to what they say and find a solution
4. Offer this solution
5. Ask a closing question again

Remember that they do want your services otherwise they would not be sitting down talking with you.So just be patient with them and allow the sale to unfold naturally. If you use this method correctly your closing percentage will increase dramatically. 

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