Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to transition from a free personal training session to the sales pitch

This is a extremely valuable skill this is where the sales process normally breaks down. Because now the free session is over and they have no reason to stay and listen to you. But if you never ask for a minute of their time, you never have the chance to make a sale. You have already done so much work. So don't let your fear stop you here. What you need to do is create a transition question that sounds simple, easy, and feels natural for you.

Sometimes the client has made it easier for you, they have already asked for your prices and you have told them to wait until later. Now is the time to bring the subject up again. In this case I normally say " let's take two minutes and I'll show you what packages I recommend for you". Phrasing the question in this manor accomplishes 2 things. First it let's them know it will be short, they are tired and most likely busy so they will want to leave quickly. Secondly it let's them know you actually have a recommendation, which people love because it makes them feel special and like there is already a product that suits there needs.

Now if the client has not asked about your pricing I formulate my question just a bit differently. You need to remember this person has shown up twice in their busy schedule to have a personal training session with you. Which means they already value your service. If they were not interested in buying they would not show up for the second session. So I change the transition question slightly to this. Lets take 2 minutes and I'll show you what packages the gym has available for you. Once again the question let's them know it will be quick and easy. Even better I feel comfortable saying it which makes me appear confident, and as I have mentioned before confidence helps close sales.

Now on the walk to the office you need to continue the conversation. Don't talk about the packages or start trying to sell them. Talk about anything else, like what your doing after work or on the weekend it does not matter just keep them talking. If your silent the entire time it makes the client uncomfortable and begins to reduce your rapport. Also never try to sell on the gym floor always have an office you can use. It makes things seems more professional and also sets the buying atmosphere. When you try to sell on the gym floor it's such an informal set up it actually decreases your chances of selling. Being in an office will also give you access to a calculator, paper and any other tools you may need to close the deal.

That's it! It's very simple and very quick I will outline the steps below. Remember practice, practice, practice.

1. After free session as the transition question. "let's take two minutes and I'll show you the packages available for you"
2. Keep talking on the way to the office. Talk about anything other than the sale.
3. Never try to sell on the gym floor, people are less likely to buy on the gym floor.
4. Go to an office that is well equipped with paper, pens, and anything else you may need to close the deal.

If these tips are helping you remember to check back, as I post new tips every few days from my book "the step by step guide to selling personal fitness training".

Train hard
Jared Roy

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