How to ask for the sale
This is another spot where people let their fear get in the way. I have seen many trainers in my day fail to ask for the sale and sit there and wait for the client to ask to buy. It is so rare that the client will ask to buy. Our society has taught us to wait for someone to ask us to buy. Consider this, when you are in a corner store the clerk will ask "do you need help finding anything" or did you find everything ok. That is there version of a closing question. When we go to a clothing store, the clerk will ask "can I start a change room for you?" Everywhere we go we are asked simple closing questions and we have come to expect them. But what is even more of a phenomenon is that many buyers will wait for the question before they decide to buy. Buyers need closing questions to help make their decision to buy.
Closing questions can be very simple, and sometimes they are not questions at all. They can just be a simple statement. below are some main closing "lines" I have seen used effectively:
1. Would you like to start today
2. Ok, let's get you started then
3. Does that work for you.... Great let's start the paper work
4. Ok let's do the paper work and get you booked in for your next section
5. Did you have any other questions, or do you just want to get started
6. Which package will work for you
7. Would you like "x" package or "y" package
8. It sounds like "x" package will work for you, so let's get you started
9. It looks like we have everything figured out, I'll get the paper work
10. I'm really excited for you, let's finish the paper work so I can book you in
You will see all of these lines are very similar. None mention a purchase. They are just simple, none aggressive nudges towards buying. What you need to remember is at this point when you ask your sales question you need to have overcome all objections. If you have not, once you ask for the sale another objection will pop up. If it does, the process is very simple. Attack the objection with the knowledge you have of the client, reason with them to show them why there objection is invalid. Then ask a different closing question. The key is to keep asking for the sale, assume they want to buy. This should feel more like a negotiating process than a sale.
After you ask the closing question, you need to stay completely silent. There is an old saying in sales "He who talks first loses". So after you ask for the sale shut up, until the client talks or asks a question. Usually after I ask the closing question, I grab the personal training contract and a pen and push it across the desk. Always assume the sale, and always stay silent!
Now from here you want to remember not to talk yourself out of the sale. Only answer questions that are asked. You should have given the client all the info they need during the sales presentation, so don't keep talking and confuse them. After they sign the contract grab the page and read the contract to them highlight all the important points. You do not want to be left with an angry client because they were not educated about the terms of purchase. Also remember to give them a photocopy of any paper work associated with the sale and your business card, shake their hand and congratulate them on their decision.
Once the paper work Is done book them in for the next session, they have just made a big purchase and are leaving the gym with nothing but a receipt. So you want to make them feel as if they have something tangible, like an appointment. The day before the session call to confirm the appointment and tell them your excited to get started. Follow up is so important after a sale, they are going to tell all their friends about their new purchase so you want the story of the purchase to be a good one. Later on I will write about how to ask your clients for referrals. So having a positive image of you in their friends minds is a great first step in the eventual referral process.
So to recap the steps in asking for a sale are listed below:
1. Make sure you have overcome all objections
2. Assume the sale, assume they want to buy
3. Ask a simple sales question
4. Stay silent after the sales question, waiting for them to speak first
5. Hand them a pen and the paper work after the closing question
6. Explain the contract to them
7. Give them a copy of the contract, and congratulate them on their decision
8. Book them in for the next session
9. Call to confirm the next appointment.
It's very easy, practice this with coworkers or friends until it feels natural. Then watch your sales grow.
If these posts are helping you increase your sales. Then check back, my book " the step by step guide to selling personal fitness training" is about to release and it will have all the tools, scripts, and charts needed to make you a master sales person.
Train Hard
Jared Roy
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