Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to make a personal training sales pitch

How to pitch your product

There are three methods I like to use to pitch my product. 1. Visual representation in the form of a before and after picture book. 2. Statistics gathered from all other clients to show prospective clients what they can expect to achieve with you. 3. Price presentation this is the least effective but if your new you have no other option.

Pitch 1: visual representation

First of all you need to build up your portfolio. This is done by taking a picture of your client each month. Then eventually you will have a good and a bad picture of all of your clients. You can add this to your portfolio. Make sure to write down the weight, body fat percentage, and date on each picture. This will work even better if you have your client write out a short paragraph about their changes. These paragraphs can be very heart warming and will usually do the selling for you. Remember to always ask permission to use the pictures and not to use your clients full name in any of the pictures.

Pitch 2: statistics
This is actually my favorite because it gives a more accurate description of what your client will receive because the results will be averaged between all your good and bad clients. I use this as a selling feature. " these are the average results, if you work hard you can beat them". In a later chapter I will explain. How I collect my statistics and provide charts to use to collect the data. The basic idea is that you will use your clients monthly data and average it across all your clients. This will then give you average fat loss, muscle gain, and body fat percentage.

Pitch 3: price
You will simply show the, the available packages. (10,20,30- 12,24,36) however you choose to bundle your packages. Show the price of each and if you offer financing you can show them these options as well.

Now remember back to the data you collected and the questions you asked during the sessions. This is where you will get the information to pitch a package to them. You will use this information to choose what plan to recommend, you will also use the information to overcome all objections. Once you start this process you need to assume they are going to buy act like they have already bought. Act like a professional you know what they need, they know they need it now your just entering negotiations. They don't want to spend alot, and you want them to buy big and you need to meet in the middle. Here is how I start.

T: you told me you wanted to lose 10 pounds and your body analysis says you need to lose about 20. Would you like a program for 10 or 20 pounds of weight loss?
C: for 20 pounds.
T: ok well according to the results I showed you from my other clients it will take 36 sessions to reach the goal. (show them the calculation using the statistics)
It will take about 36 sessions to reach that goal
T: the price for this is $xxxx or $xx per month. If your gym offers financing I always opt out to show the financing price only.

This is where the client will make the first objection, we will go over these in another chapter. but you can see how easy it is to pitch your product. The more you do it and the more data you have to show them like statistics and before and after books the better your closing percentage will be.

For more scripts and ideas on how to pitch personal training sales. Check back for the release of my book. "The step by step guide to personal fitness training sales".

Jared Roy!

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