Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sales Success: Small tips to help you sell Personal Training

When you pitch a sale what package do you show your prospective client first? Is there any science behind it, or can we just show them any package? There is detailed science behind this question that proves what works best, but ill skip ahead and just tell you what you need to know. When you are with your prospective client always pitch your most expensive product first. For example if you really want to sell them 36 personal training sessions, then why not first show them the 52 or 72 session package. If you show them the high dollar amount of a larger package like 72 sessions, when it comes time to show them the 36 session package they will think its a great deal. Now lets think about it in reverse, if you show them the price of a 12 session package and then the 36. How will that change their view of the price? The 36 session package will seem much more expensive.

This is a technique that is used across all different industries in order to increase sales. For example when you go to buy a suit they will not show you the add ons, like belts and shoes until after you agree to purchase the suit. The reason for this is that they know you will think $100 is expensive for shoes. But once you have spent $500-1000 on a new suit another $100 seems like peanuts. Give it a shot next time you are with a client, it just might make things easier for you. 

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