Monday, January 28, 2013

Sales Success: Overcome objections when selling personal training!

There is a saying in sales that every no gets you closer to a yes. But how can you turn those no's into an easy yes? The fitness industry has come along way in the last few years, we have gone away from the "old school" gyms and rusty weights that the public feared, to state of the art fitness facilities. During this time we have advanced our sales techniques tremendously as well. We now know that there are a specific series of steps necessary to guide people in their decision to buy our products. So what are these steps? How can you use them to build your business?

I call it leading the conversation, imagine now that you have already completed your free personal training session with the prospective client and have finished pitching your product to them.  If you are like me you will see that at this point you will generally run into an objection such as "I want to think about it" or "I don't have enough money". Since these are the two most common objections I will demonstrate how to easily over come them by leading the conversation. The way this begins is that you will need to ask them leading questions in such a way that they are forced to say yes. These questions are more of a statement than they are a question. Here are a some examples of leading questions:

1. You are interested in health and fitness right?
2. You already thought about it before you came in today, didn't you?
3. You can afford a few dollars each day to reach your health and fitness goals, cant you?

By structuring your questions with words at the beginning or end of the sentence like, right, didn't you, isn't it, etc, you cause the client to immediately agree with you and answer yes. If you just simply say are you interested in health and fitness, they have the option of saying no. The reason this is so important is that they are more likely to say yes to future questions later in the sales process, like your closing question. This process works even better if you are able to get them to say yes three times or more before you pitch or Re pitch you product.  Now that you are leading their thinking and you have them trained to say yes, you will switch gears to directly attack their objections. Here is how it works:

1. Repeat the objection back as a question
A. Just so its clear in my mind what is it that you need to think about?

2. Repeat there answer back to them
B. You think the product is too expensive.

3. Now you will directly challenge their thinking
C. The price of personal training is about the same cost as buying a cup of coffee each day, that's easily affordable isn't it?

4. At this point I will either ask a closing question, or I will offer a solution. This will depend on how they respond when you challenge their objection. A solution can come in the form of a discount, a smaller package or payment options. The next step is to ask the closing question.
D. Great lets get you started, or we do offer weekly payment plans here at the gym.

At this stage of the sales process information is the key to overcoming the objection. That is why we state the objections as a question and repeat it back to them. It forces them to give us extra information. Their first objection is usually a smoke screen covering up the real objection, and by getting more information we get the real objection and the information needed to effectively challenge it and close the sale. On average you will hear three objections before you close the sale, so don't ask the closing question to quickly go through each step repeating their objection back to them as many times as it takes until you feel that you have gotten the real objection. Once you are sure that you have the real objection attack it head on, I like to think of it as a negotiation process instead of trying to sell them. You have a product that they want, you are just trying to settle the terms of the deal. The final step is to ask a closing question, failing to ask for the sale is the number one reason people fail in sales. Come up with a couple lines that you are comfortable with, deploy them at the right time and you will amaze yourself with how easy the sales process will become.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sales Success: Track the numbers to sell personal training

Henry Ford once said "If everything is moving together, success will take care of itself". Sales is a lot like this. If everything you do gets you closer to your goal of making a sale, you will be successful. Each day you should have a few goals in mind, try to generate 10 new leads each day. From those ten leads you will be able to book 1-3 appointments. Then you should be able to close 70% of these appointments. This means that you should be making a sale 2 out of every 3 working days. If you follow this strategy you will be wildly successful as a personal trainer and eventually you wont need to work as hard at sales because the leads will just flow to you naturally.

So how can you finds these ten leads each day? There are a few methods; offering free sessions to people at the gym, ask current clients for a referral, renewals, advertisements, and your personal network of friends and people you meet each day. Its a very simple process you must introduce yourself as a personal trainer, ask them about their goals, and then offer them a free personal training session. Every time I speak to someone they either know I am a personal trainer or I tell them I am. The next thing they say is what can I do about, weight loss, my diet, ETC. This gives you an opening to offer them a free session. Its actually so easy to create a lead that we normally do not realize we are doing it. This is where we make a mistake, we give them a card and tell them to call. This will not work, instead what you need to do is get their contact details and book them in for a free session. If they cannot book in then, you can call them later that same day to book them in. This method will work without fail, so give it a shot.

At this point, you have their contact info and they are coming in for a free session. Now you will just run them through the normal sale process that you have learned in our book "Personal Training Sales System" and you will close the sale. For more tips and trick visit us on facebook.

Please see our kickstarter Campaign, we've launched a new unique Posture Corrector

Posture Corrector Kick starter Campaign

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sales Success: The art of story telling to sell personal training

How can you link someones emotions to a sale? A great way is to tell a story! Stories get people involved and get them to connect to what your selling. The way I like to do this is to talk about a previous clients experience and talk about their transformation and how it changed them and how they felt.

For example:
I used to train a client named Jane, when she started she was getting ready for a wedding and wanted to lose weight and look toned for her wedding day. We started out pretty slowly changing her diet and slowly introduced her to cardio and weight training. She started to love it and become more and more addicted, she felt empowered and started to take charge of her training. She came in on her days off of our training sessions to do cardio, and the results just got better and better. She had more energy and actually found that she was less tired during the day and was getting more accomplished. Not only did we achieve her goal, but we surpassed it. Everyone said on her wedding day that it was the best she had ever looked. But the best part was that she changed her lifestyle and has kept the weight off and still looks great today.

A short story like that will envoke the emotions of the person you talking to, so when you finally ask them about their goals their emotions will take over them and will make it easy for you to sell them. From here you are just putting them through the natural sales process:

1. Ask about their goals
2. Repeat them back
3. Offer the solution
4. Ask a closing question
5. Overcome any objections
6. Complete the sale

Learning to sell is a process, so remember to practice and keep trying new things. For more tips come and check out our facebook page.

Please see our kickstarter Campaign, we've launched a new unique Posture Corrector

Posture Corrector Kick starter Campaign

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sales Success: The steps to selling personal training

Sales is just like fitness you need to follow certain steps and stay consistent with it in order to see results. There is a saying "Small tweaks create massive change", so what tweaks do you need as a sales person? I am going to outline a simple step by step pattern that you can use to sell anything to anyone.

1. Link their emotions to the product or service
2. Offer a solution
3. Get the client to agree with you
4. Help them justify the purchase
5. Close the sale

Now how can you accomplish these steps? Emotions are easy, you can simple ask them about their goals and continue to ask questions probing deeper which will make them feel more emotional about the goals and ultimately the product. Once you have achieved this you will offer the solutions such as " I've designed many programs to help people lose 10 pounds. Now this is the point where you will begin to phase your questions in a way them makes them respond yes to everything you say. For example, those are the kinds of results your looking for right? Get them agreeing with you so that later when you ask for the sale they are already programmed to say YES. At this point I help them justify the purchase in their own mind. I will do this by saying anything that they may already be saying in their own head in order to convince themselves to buy. " You deserve to look and feel better, this will be a great purchase for you". You may hear them say yeah I do deserve it. This is where you ask the closing question. "great lets get you started".

This process is so simple yet it will work over and over again. For more tips come and visit our facebook page.

Please see our kickstarter Campaign, we've launched a new unique Posture Corrector

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