Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Guide to renewing your personal training clients

How to renew existing clients

This should be the simplest procedure in the game. You have already sold them once, they love your product and have great results from your service. I like to think of this as a pure inventory problem. Once they get low it's time to "put in an order", i simply let them know when they have about 5 sessions left. Why do I notify them when they have 5 sessions left?

There are two reasons. The first is so that if any objections to renew pop up from your client you now have 5 full sessions to overcome them. Because you know them so well by now it should be easy to reason with them in order to make another sale.

Then once they are at their second to last session i like to redo their monthly results. This gives them another chance to assess their position. Usually they will still want to lose weight or work towards some other goal. The monthly results report will remind them of this, and it's a great nudge towards a buy without you needing to pressure them.

Then on the last session, if they have not already renewed you will simple ask for the sale. In this case I usually use the results close:

Well Sally you have lost a total of 15 pounds we have 8 more to go, I think you should sign up for xx more sessions.

It's a very simple statement, and because of the statistics you have collected about them you can be very exact just as if your giving out a prescription. At this point there are usually no objections, because they would have come up during the last 5 sessions and you have over come them. But if they do, use the protocol you have already mastered to overcome. think back to the section on how to overcome objections. I suggest you look back at it now and review the techniques.

At this point I also like to sit them down and go over their previous results and set a new goal. Do you really just want to lose 8 pounds? Or should we make that 10, or maybe they want to run a marathon. This gives you a chance to do 2 things. Number 1 is upsell, if they want to make a bigger goal they may need a few more sessions. They have already agreed to buy so it will be easy to add in a few sessions. The second option is just to make sure your client is getting what they want. Give this method a try, I know it will work for you.

Check back each wee as I release more techniques from my book. "The step by step guide to selling personal fitness training".

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