Friday, September 30, 2011

Why do most new Personal fitness trainers fail?

During my time as a fitness manager and a personal trainer I saw many new personal trainers give up and quit, and many more barely make enough money to get buy. Why did this happen, why do most personal trainers fail? The answer is sales, nobody tells them when they are becoming certified that they will need to be able to persuade people to buy their services. They get to the gym thinking everyone wants a trainer and they will have a roster full of clients day one. This is almost never true. Why do people buy personal training? There are many reasons why, but I will only talk about what I think are the most important. 1. They are out of shape 2. They have an major event coming up like a wedding 3. Referrals. 4. A personal trainer approaches them and convinces them to buy Now of these reasons what do you think presents the greatest sales opportunity? People think that sales in personal training are driven by option 1. This is false, for every time you hear a friend say I'm out of shape maybe I should get a personal trainer(which will not be many) I bet you have 10 friends that do not know they are out of shape. 47% of Canada's adult population is overweight or obese, yet I'd say less then 10% have a personal trainer or any kind of program to get back into shape. Option 2 they have an event coming up, I've had a Handful of people in my entire career approach me and buy to get in shape for an event. Option 3 referrals, this takes effort from the trainer to ask for referrals but it is responsible for about 1/3 of a personal trainers revenue. It also only works if you have clients first. Now option 4 approaching prospective clients. This is where the money is made. Why do you need to approach people? Nobody will admit they are out of shape, or will admit they need help, and worse won't ask for help. Most trainers I talk to get into the business because they want to help people, or they used to be out of shape went through a life changing experience lost the wait, and want to help others. But here is the problem, they never offer anyone the help. If you saw someone on the street with a map and they looked confused, would you help them. I'm sure most people would say yes, but think about this. Treadmill, fitness magazine, no results. This is the exact same scenario yet the guides(personal trainers) are to afraid to offer help. Now you may say, well I don't want to force people to buy. Ok, goodbye I will and I'll get paid for it. It's very simple you offer a service they want give them a taste. Offer a free session, point them in the right direction. Even if they don't want to buy, It's still not a failure. It usually takes about 7 no's to get a yes. But if you do a free session everyday. You will make a sale each week. From experience I will tell you that's better than 50% of personal trainers do now. Check back each week for more tips on how to create leads, close leads, and generate sales! In health Jared Roy

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